Home Staging in San Diego
(760) 224-5025
For professional home staging in San Diego & surrounding areas give us a call at (760) 224-5025.
We offer quality home staging that can help you sell your home faster & for the best price. Take a look below to see what we have to offer!

home staging tips for vignettes e2c787164cf41e084c8b0ee82fd8d4db, quality home staging sells
Call us at: (760) 224-5025
Home staging in San Diego, CA
Vacant Home Staging
We will stage your vacant home & provide a design plan, furniture & decor from our contemporary high-end inventory ~ flat rate - call for a free estimate!
Occupied Home Staging
Staging your occupied home - we will work with you to transform your home
using your existing furnishings, re-arranging what you have & offer budget
options to supplement where you need to fill in (flat rate, based upon size)
Walk & Talk Staging Consultation - we will walk through your home with you
to help you prepare a plan to show the best your home has to offer
Mini-Makever - a half-day "Mini" staging that will completely transform
the look of your home, using our staff & your furnishings - adding some budget
items that we have available for your use - the perfect solution to stay within
your budget or get your home on the market quickly!
Vacation home rentals/B&B's - staging & decorating (Flat rate, based upon size)
Model Homes - We will provide staging & decorating for that perfect look that will showcase the best that your homes have to offer - Flat rate
Certification & Professional Associations:
The owner, Judith Burzell, has experience in all areas of design, home staging, remodeling and re-design. Judith is Certified by the Home Staging Resource (HSR) & the Academy of Home Staging (AHSD) and is a current member of the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) and a designated RESA-PRO.
Homescapes offers quality home staging that can help you get the best possible sale! Our home staging tips and recommendations are based on the latest research for getting your home sold!
This Carlsbad, CA home staging is a favorite! Sell faster and for more!

Living room
HomeScapes SD was a winner in the RESA Top Ten Home Stagers of the Year U.S. in 2 categories, Vacant & Occupied home! & the Houzz 2015 Best of Houzz awards in the Customer Satisfaction category for home stagers in San Diego & the Houzz Rave Reviews award! Quality home staging sells homes!
Home staging services in Carlsbad, Encinitas, Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, San Diego, Temecula, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, CA & more! #HomeStagingCarlsbadCA #HomeStagingSanDiego #HomeStagingOceansideCA #HomeStagingVistaCA #HomeStagingOrangeCounty #HomeStagingSanMarcosCA #HomeStagingEncinitasCA #homestagingcarlsbadca #carlsbadcahomestager #homestagersandiego #homestagingsandiego
Insured by

insurance for home stagers is essential - San Diego Home Stagers - travelers-logo
Awards and Memberships


RESAPROStager Blue TM Large, quality home staging sells
Certified by:

Advanced-Home-Stager Certified Logo, quality home staging sells

HSR.C.Certified.Profsmall, quality home staging sells
2790 Loker Ave. W
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM Sat: 12 PM - 4PM Sun: Closed